Well, we are all finally getting over the various flu's and other illnesses that have invaded our household. The stomach flu ping pong match appears to be over, yay!
Things are going really well with my son's therapy sessions and we look forward to starting occupational therapy next month (yay for wait lists...) We still have some paperwork to fill out for other services and I'm looking for a support group for parents with autism in my area, but I think it's time...
Time to come back. I really miss writing. I miss my characters and that rush that I feel when I get it right. I've felt myself sinking into a depression of sorts since the diagnosis last month and know that I need to focus on some "me time". Writing pulled me out of post-pardum depression and made me feel like myself again in the past and I'm hoping that it will do the same for me this time around.
I know that I won't be having 4k writing days anytime soon, but even a couple hundred words is better than nothing. Squeezing in writing sessions during naps or when my husband is home to watch our son... I have- no I need to do this for myself. Getting sucked into the fear and uncertainty that a diagnosis of autism in your child causes isn't an option. I will face these emotions head on and channel the energy and emotions into my characters.
I have to re-read my manuscript as it seems like it's been forever since I've ventured into the world of Instinct. That will have to wait until tomorrow though. We have family in town tonight and they want to take us all out to dinner. (If everything doesn't wash or blow away in these intense storms that is...)
No promises on how often I'll be able to update the blog or how much writing I'll be completing at first, but I do promise to try my best.
Other Notes:
Once again, THANK YOU to everyone who has commented or emailed me with support and kind words. Having not found a local autism support group yet, your words have helped keep me grounded and have reminded me that I'm not alone in this. *Virtual Cookies for You All!*
Other News:
A while back, I mentioned how much I enjoyed reading The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. Well, she recently sold the movie rights! Apparently, it's being created for a yet-unnamed A-list starlet. Not bad for her debut book. Way to go Carrie!!!
Well, that's it for now. My son has decided to squish his veggies from lunch in between his toes, so I have a lovely mess to clean up.
Until I blog again...
Talk 2ya later...
Star Wars Celebration Recap!
7 years ago
Yay! Good to see! Hope you had fun with family in town and fun with the toe-paint versus finger-paint :)
Shaving cream between the toes is fun, too. Whenever I'd find things that my guy liked to do, I'd try to do them again, but make him ask for it, or at least point to the things we were using, just to increase communication. We did shaving cream with our fingers, but I think toes would be even more fun!
Thanx for the virtual cookies. 80) You're NOT alone, definitely.
As with any life change or family readjustment or other shock, it will take a bit of re-thinking and re-bargaining of tasks, roles, me-time, etc. But it will become normal and it will become 'ok'. A bit like having a baby in the first place, suddenly fitting in far more than you previously thought could fit into a human lifestyle! lol
This has helped me enormously in various situations: http://www.our-kids.org/Archives/Holland.html (i know Emily Perl Kingsley likes all her © info kept with this, though it often isn't) - it was written about disability but applies to many, many more things than that. Any disappointment or re-jigging of one's expectations, in fact. I hope it helps you; if it does, maybe put it into cheerful colours and keep it somewhere in plain sight for every day.
{hugz}, againly. ;0)
Glad you're scheduling some "Me" time. Writing can work wonders for that--for me anyway. :)
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